How can Penis BOTOX help with Erectile Dysfunction?

From as early as the age of 40, men can exhibit some degree of erectile dysfunction. In many cases, erection problems can be related to low hormones, in others, the penile tissue can be damaged due to trauma. The decline in testosterone levels leads to decreased blood flow to the penis, and subsequent decreased sensitivity and scarring of the tissue that can lead to a loss in size. 

Botulinum toxin, commonly known as Botox, can be used to improve both the functionality and appearance of the penis. In the same way that Botox relaxes muscles to treat wrinkling, Botox injected to the corpus cavernosum of the penis will relax the smooth muscles of the blood vessels, to open them up and increase blood flow to the penis – this effect is very similar to Viagra and Cialis, but the benefits include a much longer duration of action – up to 6 months of fuller erections, with a high dose of Botox. The injections of Botox have been shown to improve erectile function even for men who fail to respond to Viagra and Cialis.

What is the Botox for Penis Procedure? 

The “Bocox” procedure is quick and comfortable – a topical numbing cream is applied, and then Botox is injected to the penis. 

The “BoPriapus” procedure combines Botox with PRP injections to the penis, so there is no need for extra injections. A topical numbing cream is applied, and then Botox and PRP are injected to the penis, and we recommend pumping the penis as home as part of your aftercare.

What are the Botox Injections for Penis Results? 

Men report larger, stronger erections within a few days, as well as increases in length and girth over time. 

How can Botox make my Penis Bigger? 

Since Botox increases blood flow to the penis by dilating the blood vessels, the penis actually enlarges. This increase in penis size is sustained over time. Botox can also be injected to the muscles on the sides of the penis, to let the penis “hang longer.” If you notice that your penis shrinks dramatically when you’re cold, this treatment is perfect for you.

What about Botox for Premature Ejaculation?

Botox can be injected to treat premature ejaculation, and we often combine this with a series of EMSella treatments. EMSella strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, which are used for erections, orgasms, and ejaculation. Men report better control over their ejaculations, as well as fuller erections and greater sensitivity.